Saturday 18 December 2010

Wedding and rumor

By: Mike Sommer

Yesterday was Nick Swisher’s wedding day. I had to laugh when I read one comment that stated something like this— “Instead of the wife  mashing his face with the wedding cake, was it A.J. instead?”. Mrs. Swisher is the actress Joanna Garcia.

The Swishers
Nick with the now Mrs. Swishalicious.

Good scene for Swisher wedding?
Regarding Swisher, could you see him like that at the wedding,
with the cake plastered in his face, courtesy of Burnett?
Considering his beautiful wife, he’d probably raise his arms in
triumph exactly as he is doing here. I would.

Rumors all day yesterday. Twitter was nuts with people saying Lee staying, Lee going, press conference at this time, etc. The only thing is, when you went to a legitimate source, there was nothing. Nada. Nothing from Madden, Feinsand, Sherman, Rosenthal, Davidoff, Gammons, Yankees PR, Jack Curry, Murti, Kim Jones —you name it. Nada.

But some bozo says he knows the details and there will be a 5:45 CST press conference to announce blah, blah, blah? Of course said bozos list no sources and have no credibility. But Twitter goes nuts.

How about waiting for a legitimate source to tweet something?

Meanwhile, the wait is making this Yankees fan nervous. I mean, if you don’t want to jump at 7, $160 (or whatever), what are you waiting for? It seems like Lee is trying to find a way to stay in Texas, but having trouble doing so. Just my opinion though. Like I’d know what he’s thinking. I obviously don’t and neither do the Twitter Clowns.     

I wouldn’t take too much out of Washington’s statement that in his gut he thinks Lee is staying. I mean, what do you want him to say? He’s Texas’ manager. Did you really expect him to sit there and break down crying like a teenage girl whose boyfriend dumped her the night before the prom?  

Sommer Frieze is a blog dedicated (mainly) to the Yankees. I'll touch on other things as well and the blog (as much as possible) will not only have Yankees news but also follow the Yanks' farm teams. Come visit at Sommer Frieze.

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